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EVERY DAY IS A DOG’S DAY by Jayne Ormerod

The list of National Holidays runs the gamut from the somber Memorial Day to the silly Old Rock Day (seriously, it’s a thing—celebrated in January.) We here at Mutt Mysteries recognize as many of the dog-related ones as we can find. (Be sure and follow Mutt Mysteries on Facebook and Twitter so you can keep up with them all.) Look for the upcoming Hug your Dog Day (April 12). Mark your calendar for Rescue Dog Day (May 20), or Pet Remembrance Day (July 5) or Dress Up your Dog day (Jan 14, 2022. And that’s the short list over 150+ dog-specific or pet-related national days.

But celebrating dogs doesn’t have to be limited to holidays specific to our canine companions. Just about any national day can be combined to also rejoice with the unconditional love and attention given to us by our mutts. Case in point, the impending National Oreo Cookie Day (March 6, 2021.) On that day we should, of course, enjoy an Oreo or two in recognition of America’s number one cookie. But also consider giving thought to the Oreo Dogs. You know the ones—the super cute black-and white-pups that, when seen, make you crave a cookie or (in my case) cookies and cream ice cream. To put a dog-spin on this day, celebrate by:

  • Making non-chocolate Oreo dog treats to distribute to all the Oreo dogs in your neighborhood (recipe here)…   

  • Dress up your dog in an Oreo Costume… 

  • Overdose on cuteness by Googling make-you-smile Oreo pups like these:

In summation, according to my calendar, EVERY day is a national dog day of some sort. Celebrate responsibly with the mutt(s) in your life.


JAYNE ORMEROD grew up in a small Ohio town then attended a small-town Ohio college. Upon earning her degree in accountancy, she became a CIA (that’s not a sexy spy thing, but a Certified Internal Auditor.) She married a naval officer and off they sailed to see the world. After nineteen moves, they, along with their two rescue dogs Tiller and Scout, have settled into a cozy cottage by the sea. Jayne’s publishing credits include two novels, five novellas, and eight short mysteries. A complete list can be found on her website.







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