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ME AND MY MUTTS by Teresa Inge

This is Teresa Inge's third Mutt Mystery, all featuring the popular team of Catt and her Yorkies Cagney and Lacey. Her story "A Shot in the Bark" is included in To Fetch a Villain, Four Fun "Tails" of Miscreants and Murder. Read on to learn more about Teresa and her two mutts.

    Tell us about the furry members of your family? I have two shepherd mixed dogs, Luke and Lena who reside with my husband and me in Southeastern Virginia. Luke and Lena were named after my husband's grandparents. 

      What do you do to you spoil your pets? My husband and I spoil them every day. They ride in the back seat of the car where ever we go. They get treats from the bank teller when we go through the drive through. They love looking out the car window at the scenery and at people. All we have to say is "ready to ride," and they are ready to roll. They're just like little kids. They also sleep with us and love a pillow.  

What treat will your pet practically knock you over to get? They love chews and almost any treats! They jump for them. 

What food item will your pet turn up his/her nose to? Luke will eat anything. Lena is a picky eater over most foods. 

What is your pet’s favorite thing to do? Go for a ride! They also love running on the back of our property by the barn. 

What is your pet’s LEAST favorite thing to do? They won't swim in our pool. They don't like it.  

Do you talk to your pets? And if so, do they answer? Yes! We talk to them every day. They understand most things we say. It's cute when they turn their heard trying to figure out what was said. But yes, they talk back with many sounds and movements. 

Is the dog in your story in To Fetch a Villain based on your dogs? I include Luke and Lena in my Mutt Mysteries stories, but my main dog characters are Cagney and Lacey, two Yorkshire Terriers. They help solve crime and murder. 

Where did you get your idea for your story? I love walking my dogs so I made my protagonist, Catt Ramsey, the owner of the  Woof-Pack dog walkers. I then added Cagney and Lacey to help her solve the mystery. 

How long did it take you to write your story? Generally a couple of months to write the story, then it has to go through a couple of edits before it's ready for publication. 

What makes your pet’s tail wag? Seeing us. 

What makes your tail wag? Seeing them. 


Teresa Inge with Lena and Luke 

TERESA INGE grew up reading Nancy Drew mysteries. Today, she doesn’t carry a rod like her idol, but she hotrods. Love of reading mysteries and writing professional articles led to writing short fiction and novellas. She is president of Sisters in Crime Mystery by the Sea Chapter and author of short mysteries in
Virginia is for Mysteries, 50 Shades of Cabernet, Coastal Crimes: Mysteries by the Sea, and Murder by the Glass.


You can also connect with Teresa on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram


  1. Meet my protagonist Catt Ramsey and her pups Cagney & Lacey who help solve crime and murder in the Mutt Mysteries series!

  2. Luke and Lena sound like terrific real-life dogs. Catt Ramsey's Cagney & Lacey help Catt in her investigations into misdeeds. Does Cagney or does Lacey ever cause trouble at the dog walker office? Inquiring minds want to know. Maybe one doesn't get along with a client's dog?


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