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ME AND MY MUTTS by Heather Weidner

 Heather Weidner has an impressive list of publications, and is a tremendous asset to the Mutt Mysteries series. Be sure and check out her story "Strutt Your Mutt" in To Fetch a Villain, Four Fun "Tails" of Miscreants and Murder. But first let's get some insight on Heather and her lovable mutts. 

Tell us about the furry members of your family? Two crazy Jack Russell Terriers live at our house. Our pair of Jacks (Disney, the brunette and her brother Riley) are from the same litter.

What do you do to you spoil your pets? Our Jacks are family. They have multiple beds and enough gear and toys to fill several bins.

What treat will your pet practically knock you over to get? Cheese. They can hear a cheese wrapped a mile away.

What food item will your pet turn up his/her nose to? Riley eats anything. His sister is picky. She has to smell everything new before she tries it.

What is your pet’s favorite thing to do? My dogs love car rides and long walks by the lake.

What is your pet’s LEAST favorite thing to do? They HATE baths.

Do you talk to your pets? And if so, do they answer? I talk to them all the time. I even ask one where the other is. They usually tell on the other. They also listen as I plot stories and read dialogue.

Is the dog in your story in To Fetch a Villain based on your dogs? No. The dog in To Fetch A Thief was based on Disney. She’s also the model for Bijou in my new cozy series, the Jules Keene Glamping Mysteries. The first book will be out October 2021.

Where did you get your idea for your story? I write the Delanie Fitzgerald Mysteries, and my sleuth is a sassy PI from Richmond, VA. She has a computer geek/hacker partner, and he has a furry sidekick, Margaret the English Bulldog. I decided to give the gang another adventure outside of the series in this novella.

How long did it take you to write your story? It took about two months to plot, write, and revise my story.

What makes your pet’s tail wag? Anybody who visits the house/yard/cul de sac and snacks.

What makes your tail wag? I get excited when I meet readers who want to talk about books and mysteries.


HEATHER WEIDNER is the author of the three Delanie Fitzgerald Mystery novels (Secret Lives and Private Eyes, The Tulip Shirt Murders, and Glitter, Glam, and Contraband), and these characters appear in this novella, "Strut Your Mutt." Her short stories appear in the Virginia is for Mysteries series, 50 Shades of Cabernet, and Deadly Southern Charm. Her dog-themed novellas appear in the Mutt Mysteries series, and her new Jules Keene Glamping mysteries is slated for release in October 2021.


She is a member of Sisters in Crime – Central Virginia, Guppies, International Thriller Writers, and James River Writers.  Originally from Virginia Beach, Heather has been a mystery fan since Scooby-Doo and Nancy Drew. She lives in Central Virginia with her husband and a pair of Jack Russell terriers. Heather earned her BA in English from Virginia Wesleyan University and her MA in American literature from the University of Richmond. Through the years, she has been a cop’s kid, technical writer, editor, college professor, software tester, and IT manager.

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