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MUTT TALK: Meet Top Dog Cloud from "Ruff Goodbye" by Rosemary Shomaker

Woof! Ruff. Woof, woof. Rumble—brrr. Howl, sing, ruff. Hello, Mutt Mysteries readers; I’ll translate my dog-speak to English so you understand me. I’m Cloud, the loyal and brave miniature poodle in “Ruff Goodbye." I’m light gray and fluffy; no “show cuts” for me! My human, Curtis Powell, promised me I’d never have to sport a Continental Clip, Lamb Clip, Lion Cut, Cupcake Cut, or any of those varied, yet typical, poodle dog salon special “hairdos.” Nope, the dog show circuit was not for us. Don’t get me wrong, those canines work very hard, and well, they look fantastic. That’s just not for us. I look more like the second image I’ve sent with this interview.

My favorite human, Curt, has died of cancer as “Ruff Goodbye” unfolds, and you get to meet me and other characters as the community mourns his death. My next favorite humans are Curt’s stepdaughter Julie and his wife Sharon. Curt’s friends know me, and in the story my barking alerts them to problems. I defend Sharon when this loser, Perry, harasses her in a parking lot, for instance. I figure in other ways, but you need to read the story to discover how.

My favorite thing to do is to ride in Curt’s truck with him and guard the truck when he’s visiting friends. Since Curt’s death, I ride in the truck with Sharon. Curt used to bring me sea chips from his friend Len’s bar, The Beacon. Len’s wife Joyce has a killer roasted, sliced potatoes recipe that involves Old Bay, peanut oil, cumin, and Himalayan sea salt. Since Curt died, though, all Sharon gives me is actual dog food. Bleah. 

I help my humans deal with grief. Whenever on of them wants to talk about Curt, I am all ears, and when they need a hug or soft fur to cry in, I’m that warm, loving fiend. My special place for napping is Curt’s side of the bed. It’s near a sunny window, and Sharon leaves a soft blanket atop the bedspread just for me. When my humans are not home, I sneak into Curt’s TV chair to bask in his scent. I’m allowed in the chair all the time, but Sharon and Julie burst into tears if they see me there, so I temper my instinct, in deference to their heartache. I can admit to you that I’m frightened by dogs I do not know, and I won’t play at a dog park with new canines. I don’t even like sniffing other dogs when I meet them on walks. There is one well-mannered black Lab I do like. His name is Clarion, and I’ve met him a time or two at The Beacon. Now that you  know a bit about me, read To Fetch a Scoundrel, and meet the dogs in all the stories.

You can read about Cloud's escapades in Rosemary Shomaker’s story “Ruff Goodbye,” one of four stories included in To Fetch a Scoundrel, Four Fun “Tails” of Scandal and Murder.

See SIDEBAR for links to buy your copy of To Fetch a Scoundrel. 
ClickHere to read more about the four stories in To Fetch a Scoundrel.
Click Here to read more about Rosemary Shomaker and the other contributing authors in To  Fetch a Scoundrel.


  1. Thanks for letting Cloud loose to "talk" to readers!

  2. Cloud sounds like the world's best dog! Looking forward to reading about all his adventures!

    1. Love the family support from Rosie's daughter! You are the best daughter . . .


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