The number one rule writers are taught in the hard-knock school of writing is “write what you know.” Which is all fine and good, unless you are a middle-class, pushing-social-security-age, rule-following female who writes about murder. I am going to put this out there to all of my past, present and future readers, I HAVE NEVER KILLED ANYONE just to research a book (or for any reason, for that matter). Nor have I ever stumbled across a dead body lying in the garden or sitting in an empty garage or floating in the surf (my husband has, but that’s another story for another day.) The only dead bodies I have seen/touched have been prettified, with hair styled, dressed in their best Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes, lying in a casket. But I will admit to having done a few things, all in the name of research. For “Best Friends Help You Move the Body” in Virginia is for Mysteries , we were tasked with using a Virginia landmark as our setting for...
Fun "tails" involving mutts, mayhem, and murder!